Casebook: Jack the Ripper

The complete casebook of the Ripper murders: including the facts, the evidence, the theories, and the debates. No where else on the web has anyone provided anywhere near the amount of information I plan to provide on this page, much to the dismay of thousands of Ripperologists like myself who have no doubt spent countless hours desperately searching for a web page about the most infamous killer of all time.

If you would like, you may want to read first a little about myself and my own interests concerning the case -- if not, go ahead and begin your own investigation among any of the choices below.

An Introduction to the Case
The Ripper Conference -- On-line debate and forum
The Maybrick History -- The complete story.
Ripper Theories Theories about his identity
Victims Page
Who Is Jack The Ripper? Play The Game
Casebook Investigations -- The latest investigations taken by Casebook.
Freemasonry and the Ripper
Sources and Works for Further Study
Contemporary Newspaper Accounts
The Letters of Jack the Ripper
Witness Descriptions of Jack the Ripper
Background of the Page
Casebook Requests to our Readers
Casebook Reviews

Mail your questions and comments to

Stephen P Ryder

Please note the address change as of 5/20/96 -- send mail to

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